Course Curriculum

No Code Title Credit Hours Related SDG Pre Requisite Contents
1 EM-801 Project Management 3+0 9
2 EM-811 Quality Engineering 3+0 9
3 EM-817 Accounting and Financial Management 3+0 9
4 EM-818 Operations Research 3+0 9
Elective Courses
No Code Title Credit Hours Related SDG Pre Requisite Contents
1 CE-836 Construction Management 3+0 4,8,9,11,12
2 DME-811 Product Design And Development 3+0 4,9,11,12,15
3 DME-813 Product Lifecycle Management 3+0 9
4 CE-886 Water Resources Economics, Planning & Management 3
5 EM-804 Technology Management 3+0 9
6 EM-807 Problem Solving And Decision Making In Engineering Organizations 3+0 9
7 EM-812 Design, Patents, Contract And Legal Engineering 3+0 9
8 EM-816 Strategic Management 3+0 9
9 EM-821 Engineering Ergonomic And Work Study 3+0 9
10 EM-822 Production System Design And Analysis 3+0 9
11 EM-826 Supply Chain Management 3+0 4,9,11
12 EM-827 Innovation & New Product Management 3+0 9
13 EM-829 Maintenance Management 3+0 9
14 EM-843 Advanced Research Methods 3+0 4,9,11
15 EM-844 Marketing Of Technology and Industrial Products 3+0 8,9
16 EM-846 Probability & Statistics For Engineers 3+0 4,9
17 ESE-821 Energy Resources & Technologies 3+0 4,7,9,13
18 HRM-542 Human Resource Management 3+0 4,9,10
19 OTM-739 Global Logistics and Transportation 3+0 4,9,13,17
20 EM-809 Management of Technical Organizations 3+0 9
21 EM-849 Industrial IOT 3+0 9
22 EM-850 Leadership and Organizational Behavior 3+0 3,9,10
23 EM-851 High Performance Work Systems (HPWS) 3+0 8,9,12
24 EM-852 Industrial Psychology 3+0 3,9
25 EM-853 Shipping and Port Management 3+0 8,9
26 EM-854 Sustainability in Engineering Management 3+0 9,12
27 EM-855 Occupational Health and Safety Environment 3+0 3,8,9
28 EM-848 Managerial Analytics 3+0 8,9
Additional Courses
No Code Title Credit Hours Related SDG Pre Requisite Contents
1 RM-898 Research Methodology 2+0 4,6,8,9,11,13,16,17
2 SEM/WKSP-897 Seminar / Workshop 1+0 4,5,9,11,16,17
MS Thesis
No Code Title Credit Hours Related SDG Pre Requisite Contents
1 EM-899 MS Thesis 6+0