Departments Department of Mechanical Engineering

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Mechanical Engineering continues to be the bedrock of technology and industry. At the same time, it has undergone a sea change due to advances in electronics and computer technologies. Application of high-speed computing in design as well as manufacturing has forced major changes in the way students must be taught Mechanical Engineering – arguably more so than in any other field.

We are convinced that the universal availability of simulation tools and easy access to information – on the whole very welcome developments – render understanding of fundamentals of mathematics and core engineering subjects more important than ever. Therefore, the ever-growing integration of IT in teaching and research in no way lessens the importance of classroom teaching fortified by experiments conducted in labs, internships with industrial partners, and activities aimed at fostering the written and verbal communication skills of students.

A well-rounded, multi-disciplinary outlook in the teaching and practice of Mechanical Engineering was never as important as it is today. We, at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, consider our students as our products, and their competence as the ultimate test of our success. Judging from feedback from industry and academia that receives our students after their graduation, we are doing well. However, we are committed to continually reinventing ourselves according to the changing times, and at the same time retaining our strengths developed over the decades.

Head of Department Message

Dr Uzair Khaleeq uz Zaman

Welcome to the Department of Mechanical Engineering, where our objective is to produce quality professionals in Mechanical Engineering who can contribute meaningfully to their profession and the society at large. Mechanical Engineering forms the backbone for technical development of any country. There is a constant demand of engineers capable of undertaking independent research and devising innovative and environment-friendly solutions to problems. To constantly serve this need, a sustainable and continuous process of quality education is indispensable, which the department endeavors to provide. The training our students get during their studies at the department will enable them to embark upon engineering careers in innovation and novel design as well as at industries, R&D organizations, government, and defense establishments.

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The vision of the Department of Mechanical Engineering is to reach and sustain a position as a leader in creation and use of knowledge for the benefit of society.
The department has a mature undergrad program with a proven track record. In line with the mission of NUST College of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering, the department aims to reinvigorating its PG program to dovetail education and research for product development.

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