Teaching Labs

S.No Name of Laboratory
(Staff NamesQualifications
Labs of Courses
conducted in
the Lab.
Types of Workstations
(No. of each type)
Nature of
Work Stations
1. Control and
Communication Lab
1. Dr Azmat Saeed
2. Abdul Salam BSCS
1.Communication systems I
2. Linear
Control Systems
3.Communication Systems II
4. Digital Control
1.Communication System Trainers
2.QuanserEngg. Trainer DC Control Motors
4.USRP Software Defined Radios
5.Digital Multimeter.
6.Core i5 Personal Computers.
Demonstration / Hands on 17
2. Electronics Lab-I
1. AP Sobia Hayee MS
2. Zubair Ali, B.A.
1. Linear Circuit Analysis
2. Electrical Network
Analysis3. Electronic Devices & Circuits
4. Power Electronics
5. Electronic Circuit
1. Variable DC
Power Supplies
2. Digital Storage Oscilloscope 100MHz
3. Function Generators4. Power Supplies (for Breadboards)
5. Breadboards.
6. LCR Meters.
7. Digital Multi meters (Hand Held).
8. Curve Tracers.
Demonstration / Hands on 17
3. Embedded Systems
1. A/P Sobia Hayee MS(Elect)
2. Rizwan Khan, B.S
(Power Elect).
1. Microprocess or Systems
2. Digital Logic Design
3. Embedded system
4. Digital Signal
5. Linear Circuit
1. Digital Storage Oscilloscopes
2. Core i5 PCs
3. Function Generators (5 MHz)
4. Digital Multimeters
5. Variable DC Power Supplies
6. Variable DC Power Supplies
7. AC/DC Power Supplies
8. DSP Starter Kits
9. FPGA Kits
10. High Voltage Differentials Probes
11. Bread Boards12. PIC Microcontroller
Demonstration / Hands on 17
4. RF and
Instrumentation Lab
1. Furqan Haider, M.S.
2. Nabeel Anjum, B.A
1. Wave Propagation
& Antennas
2. Radar Systems
3. Microwave Engineering
1. Antenna Trainers
2. Microstrip Trainers
3. Dell Core i5 Computers
4. Digital Storage
Demonstration / Hands on 10
5. Machines Lab
1. Dr Taosif Iqbal
2. Abdul Mehboob,
1. Electrical Machines 1. Power Supply,
Electro Dynamometer,
Three phase Watt Meter, DC Motor/Generator,
Single phase Ac motor, Threephase Ac motor
2. Tachometer
3. Yalong Motor, Electric Traction & Electrical
Control Trainer (Single-Phase, 3- Phase AC/DC
variable Power Supply, Variable Resistor, 3-Phase Variable Resistor,
Switch, Fuse, Indicator light, DC Ammeter/DC
voltmeter, AC Voltmeter, AC Ammeter,
Immediate Relay and Thermal Relay, Button,
Travel Switch and Time Relay, Contact and Thermal Relay, DC Motors, Three-phase AC
Motor, Speed, Torque and Mechanical Power Measurer, Single Phase
Transformer, Three Phase Transformer)
Demonstration / Hands- on 1


















6. FYP Lab
1. LE Rozina Bano
Final Year
1. Power Supply
2. Function
3. Core i5 computer
7. Power Systems Lab
1. Dr Salman Qadir
2. LA Muhammad
1. Power System
Analysis and Design
2. FYPs
1. Power Generation
2. Power Utilization
3. Power Transmission
4. Power Protection Station
Demonstration 4
8. Electronics Lab-II
1.Dr Ahmad Rauf Subhani
2.Shahzaeb Khan BS(CS)
1. Linear Circuit
2. Electrical Network
3. Electronic Devices & Circuits
4. Power Electronics
1. Variable DC Power Supplies
2. Digital Storage Oscilloscope 100MHz
3. Function Generators
4. Breadboards
5. LCR Meters
6. Digital Multimeters (Hand Held).
Demonstration / Hands on 20