Microwave and Antennas (MICA) Research Group
The Microwave and Antennas (MicA) research group at Department of Electrical Engineering, NUST College of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering is focused on the research, design, simulation, fabrication and testing microwave elements and antennas. The group comprises several experienced researchers, who have expertise of designing practical systems related to the microwave engineering. The group is actively working on a number of projects and many students have already completed their MS theses work in connection with these projects.
Name | Role | Research Area |
Dr Qasim Umar Khan | Head | Microwave, Antenna Design |
Dr. Zubair Ahmed | Assoc. Head | Microwave, Antenna Design |
Current Members
- 4x MS students
- 2x PhD students
Publications (Journal Papers)
1. D.Fazal, Q.U.Khan and M.B.Ihsan, ” Use of partial Koch boundaries for improved return loss, gain and sidelobe levels of triangular patch antenna” IET Electronics Letter, Vol.48, No.15,2012 Impact Factor: 1.343
2. Q.U.Khan and M.B.Ihsan, “Higher Order Mode Excitation for High Gain Microstrip Patch Antenna,” AEUE – International Journal of Electronics and Communications, vol.68, No.11, pp.1073-1077, June, 2014. Impact Factor: 2.853
3. Q.U.Khan, D.Fazal and M.B.Ihsan,”Use of Slots to Improve Performance of Patch in Terms of Gain and Side Lobes Reduction,” IEEE Antenna and Wireless Propagation Letters, doi 10.1109/LAWP.2014.2365588, vol.14, pp- 422-425, Feb, 2015. Impact Factor: 3.51
4. F.H.Qureshi, S.A.Sheikh,. Q.U.Khan and F.M.Malik. “SEP Performance of Triangular QAM with MRC spatial diversity over fading channels” Eurasip Journal of Wireless Communications and Networking 2016;5, 2016 Impact Factor: 1.592
5. Q.U.Khan et.al. “Higher Order Modes: A Solution for High Gain, Wide Band Patch Antennas for Different Vehicular Applications” IEEE Transaction on Vehicular Technology, vol.66 No.5 pp-3548- 3554, May 2017. Impact Factor: 5.339
6. A.Zeb, A.Mirza, Q.U.Khan and S.A.Sheikh. “Improving performance of FxRLS algorithm for active noise control of impulsive noise,” Applied Acoustics, Vol.116. pp.364-374, Oct,2016. Impact Factor:
7. Q.U.Khan S.Viqar and S.A.Sheikh, ” Two Novel Blind Equalization Algorithms for Rectangular Quadrature Amplitude Modulation Constellations,” IEEE Access, vol.4, pp.9512-9519, Nov 2016. Impact Factor: 4.098
8. F.H.Qureshi, Q.U.Khan, S.A.Sheikh and M. Zeeshan, ” Symbol Error Probability Performance of Rectangular QAM with MRC Reception over Generalized α-µ Fading Channels,” IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Science, Vol.E101-A, No.3, pp.577-584, 2018 Impact Factor: 0.31
9. T.Parveen, Q.U.Khan and et.al, ”Design and Analysis of Triple Band Circular Patch Antenna”, AEU – International Journal of Electronics and Communications, vol 112, DOI: 10.1016/j.aeue.2019.152960, Oct,2019 Impact Factor:
10. M.Zaka and Q.U.Khan, ” High Gain Backward Scanning Substrate Integrated Waveguide Leaky Wave Antenna”, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, DOI: 10.1109/TAP.2020.3006389, July,2020. Impact Factor:
11. A.Zehra, Q.U.Khan and S.A.Sheikh, ” Comparative analysis of quaternion modulation system with OFDM systems”, Int. Journal of Electronics Letters, DOI: 10.1080/21681724.2020.1725985 Feb, 2020. Impact Factor: 0.45
Publications (Conference Papers)
1. Q.U.Khan and M.B.Ihsan, “A New Microstrip Star Shaped Patch Antenna,” IEEE TENCON Spring pp-53-56, Sydney 2013
2. Q.U.Khan and M.B.Ihsan, “Design Guidelines for Designing High Gain Patch Antenna in the Ku-band,” The 8th Int. Conf. on Advances in Circuits, Electronics and Micro-Electronics,” pp- 13-16, Venice, Italy, August 2015. (Best Paper Award)
3. F.H.Qureshi, Q.U.Khan and S.A.Sheikh, “SEP Performance of Triangular QAM with SC and GSCspatial diversity over Rayleigh channel” IEEE/ACIS 15th International Conference on Computer and Information Science (ICIS),
2016, Okayama, Japan
4. A.Khalid, S.A.Sheikh, I.Hassan and Q,U,Khan, “Synthesis of linear array using genetic algorithm to reduce peak
sidelobe level,” International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ELECO), pp.346-350,2015
,Busra, Turkey.
5. A.Qasim, T.Mehmood, U.Ali, Q.U.Khan and S.Ghafoor, “Duplex Dual-Ring Radio Over Fiber System with
Centralized Light Source and Local Oscillator for millimeter-wave Transmission”, INMIC 2017, Islamabad,
6. M.Zaka, Q.U.Khan and U.Ali, “Periodic Substrate Integrated Waveguide Based Leaky Wave Antenna for Backward
Endfire Radiation,” IEEE International Symposium on Phased Array System & Technology (PAST), DOI: 10.1109/PAST43306.2019.9020961.15-18 Oct. 2019, Waltham, MA, USA.
7. S.Shehzadi, M Zeeshan, SA Sheikh, Q.U.Khan, “Multimode wideband waveform for Software Defined Radio based on hybrid CPM-CDMA concept,” INMIC, 2019, Islamabad, Pakistan
8. MA Mumtaz, M Zeeshan, Q.U.Khan, A Hasan, “Analysis of Timing Synchronization Techniques in OFDM for SDR
waveform: Performance Comparison,” 21st International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications (WPMC), 2018, Chiang Rai, Thailan
Contact Person
Dr Qasim Umar Khan
Associate Head MicA Research Group
Email: [email protected]